17 June 2010

Sonnet Six

Often I rush headlong through open gates
Without pausing to see where a path leads.
Impulse may motivate this wand'ring state;
Some innate need to run and not concede;
To jealously guard autonomous will;
Never to surrender to inaction.
I cannot...simply must not remain still,
For in quieter times do demons come
To invade my dreams with freakish malice.
Four walls in a dark room pressing inward;
A false tapestry woven and callous.
And yet, to move is what I can afford,
Refusing counterfeit tranquility
To plumb chartless depths of audacity.


  1. Man, how did I forget about this place???? Need to add it to my links

    Liked the Sonnet indeed..

  2. It takes an audacious poet to bring out truth with such insight. You should pimp this blog more.

  3. I like this a lot Travis, beautifully written :)

  4. demons come. I know. They are knocking around me now. I need to get out more.

  5. I am so jealous of anyone who writes sonnets. Yours are wonderful.

  6. You totally rock the sonnet form, Travis!

  7. Very nicely done Travis. I really like this:)

  8. hello Travis~ sorry for my long absence. i've been busy with family, etc... your sonnet is great, btw. well done. demons scour everyone's life at one time or another, don't they? movement is definitely a good reaction to keeping those demons away.

  9. oh wow. I reall;y love this one!
