09 February 2011

Fun Limericks

While checking out the other Monday Poetry Train participants this week, I came across Mad Kane's Humor Blog.  I'll be exploring more at this place.  On Monday she had Limericks, and she invited her readers to write one in comments using the first line of hers.

You can check out Mad Kane's Limerick here, and see what her readers wrote.  I'm not really much of a Limerick guy, but here's my offering.

A man who reported the news
His producer's direction refused.
"Suit and tie must I wear,
But for comfort down there,
Feets can only take ratty old shoes!"

Not great, but not too bad.  I know Limericks are generally risque, but sometimes it's enough to get the rhythm and cadence. 


  1. I enjoyed your limerick and appreciate your mentioning my humor blog and my weekly Limerick-Offs. Thanks very much!

  2. I enjoyed your Limerick, Nicely done :)

  3. That's a pretty good limerick. I'm terrible at them--or any sort of rhyming prose. My skill hasn't evolved an iota since second grade.

  4. cute limerick.

    How come I only find out now you write poetry? Geez, I am seriously clueless at times! I never go to your profile to get to your blog. DUH me! Off to read more! :-)

  5. You know, you should post more here, Trav.
